Friday, February 15, 2008

Here we go--

Alright my lovely students. When I received your feedback for my personal website and my moodle site, you mentioned that I should have a blog. Do you really want to get inside a teacher's mind? Here's your chance!!!

Thoughts from yesterday, February 14, 2008--Valentine's Day

1. Paper Scrolls were due for 3 out of 4 classes. I must say, after sorting the piles with help from such beautiful children like Brenda P., Teresa T., Edelin M., Franciso M., Carlos R., and Cinthya P., I realize how magnificent my student work is. Kudos to all the Leopard Sharks who spend a tremendous amount of time and effort on their work. I think we should host a day to judge who's is best and submit it to the district Art awards.

2. I'm excited to go to Catalina but I bummed more Leopard Sharks aren't going. I feel like the teachers weren't really included in the process and therefore we didn't really talk about it much.

3. Only bummer--I gave up a day off--yes, teachers like the holidays as much, if not more, than students.

4. Keep up to date on politics: We're down to 3 possible presidents--Obama, Clinton, McCain.
Who would you choose and why?

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